Santo Tomas Project Overview

Santo Tomás hosts a large, outcropping porphyry copper deposit comprised of fracture-hosted and disseminated Cu and Mo sulphides with significant Au and Ag credits. The Project lies within the Laramide Belt, a NW-SE trending copper belt extending from southwestern USA into southern Mexico that includes numerous world-class copper deposits, including the Cananea district, which hosts one of the largest copper deposits in the world.

Map with star on Santo Tomas

Oroco’s Santo Tomás Project is located at low elevation in the municipality of Choix adjacent to the Fuerte River, in the western Sierra Madre mountain range. The project straddles the border between the Mexican States of Sinaloa and Chihuahua. Santo Tomás is situated within the infrastructure rich “La Entrada al Pacífico,” a multi-modal transport and trade corridor recognized by the US and Mexican federal governments. Proximal infrastructure includes the deep-water port of Topolobampo, located 160km to the south-west, connected by sealed roads, a rail line, high voltage power supply, and a high-pressure gas pipeline, all within 20km or less of Santo Tomás. The region is home to numerous mining operations and has a strong regional mining culture and highly supportive local community.

Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA)

In August 2024, Oroco announced a revised Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") and updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") for the North Zone and South Zone of its Santo Tomas Porphyry Copper Project (“Santo Tomas” or the “Project”) in Sinaloa State, Mexico.  This announcement builds on Oroco's April 2023 MRE and October 2023 maiden PEA.  The updated PEA outlines a staged open pit operation starting at 60,000 tonnes per day ("t/d") in Year 1, year 8 over a 22.6-year Life of Mine (“LOM”).  Production is preceded by two years of construction and pre-stripping.  The PEA has been prepared by Ausenco Engineering USA South Inc. (“Ausenco”). The updated MRE and geologic model were prepared by SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc. of Denver, Colorado and SRK Consulting (Canada) Inc., Vancouver, BC (jointly “SRK”).  SRK (Canada) was responsible for geotechnical modeling. The mine planning and mine costs components of the PEA were prepared by SRK (U.S.).

Highlights of the revised PEA include:

Commenting on the updated PEA, CEO Richard Lock:

When we completed the initial PEA in December 2023 it was clear there was additional value to be unlocked at Santo Tomas. Upon careful analysis, a staged approach to the mine expansion and a focus on exploiting the higher-grade near surface material in the early years of mining has unlocked a considerable increase in value. We have established a plan that invokes a very efficient use of capital and establishes a rapid post-tax payback of 3.8 years. The plan starts with the use of smaller equipment to provide rapid entry to the mineralized material and maintains a higher-grade feed profile to delay the requirement of an expansion until year 8. Copper Equivalent production in the first 7 years is forecast at 1.34 billion pounds at a Mill Feed average grade of 0.51% Cu Eq.

Quite significantly, this work establishes Santo Tomas as one of the most capital efficient large-scale, low-cost copper projects in the world as illustrated in Figure 1 below."

Figure 1: Santo Tomas Displays Strong Economics Compared to its Peers


Figure 2: Post-Tax NPV and IRR Sensitivity Plots

Project Enhancement Opportunities

Several further opportunities to improve the Project have been identified during the revised PEA Study. These include but are not limited to:

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These historical resource estimate models are based upon historical resource estimates prepared by John Thornton in 2011. While, in the opinion of Dane A. Bridge, author of the revised NI 43-101 standard technical report, Geology, Mineralization and Exploration of the Santo Tomas Cu-(Mo-Au-Ag) Porphyry Deposit, Sinaloa, Mexico dated April 21, 2020 (the “Report”), reliable estimation practices were used, in order to upgrade or verify the historical estimations, resampling and assay of historical drill samples, twinning of historical drill holes, and a new program of regularly spaced drilling is required. No qualified person has undertaken sufficient work to classify the current mineral resources or mineral reserves upon which these models are based and the Company is not treating the estimates as current estimates of the mineral resources. The Company gives no assurance that either these models or the historical resource estimates upon which they are based are accurate, and does not undertake any obligation to update the models or to release publicly any update or revisions of the resource estimates except as required by applicable securities law. The reader is cautioned not to rely upon these models or the historical resource estimates upon which they are based.

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